
中央 菲尔德斯顿学校的使命 is teaching all of our children to approach the world with empathy, compassion, and understanding. In our newly rebranded Department of Belonging and Social Impact, 云顶集团强调多样性的重要性, 股本, 包容, 正义, and belonging (DEIJB) so that we can create an environment in which our students can truly thrive — and one that prepares them to engage actively and thoughtfully with the world around them.

Our approach to DEIJB includes working toward making the School an 公平的 place for the whole community.

We believe that understanding 云顶集团自己 in the context of our community, 了解云顶集团社区的其他成员, and seeing beyond our immediate community to understand and appreciate the diversity that exists in the world will create better citizens — both at ECFS and beyond.

DEIJB在道德文化方面的倡议和活动, Fieldston低, 中学, and the Upper School touch every part of our students’ education, 从课程规划到集会再到俱乐部.

The Ethical Culture Fieldston School Approach to Belonging

创造一个多样化的环境, 公平的, and creates a sense of belonging is critical at the Ethical Culture Fieldston School.

在菲尔德斯顿伦理文化学校, we are committed to diversity — including diversity of 比赛 and ethnicity, 性取向, 性别认同与表达, 社会经济地位, 残疾状态, 宗教, 和文化. 为此目的, our 招生 Office actively works to recruit applicants of color, and the School similarly takes great care to attract employees of color. Both admissions and employee recruiting efforts are being constantly assessed and examined to increase their success. 

公平同样至关重要, meaning that we work to challenge bias and discrimination of any kind, 旨在给予真正平等的机会, 访问, 对待云顶集团社区里的每一个人, 无论身份如何. We examine the systemic power structures that create in股本, focusing on disbanding them both on an institutional level and in the wider world. 在学校环境中, our efforts toward 股本 include a reporting system for all student complaints relating to bias, 偏执, or racism on campus; transparent attrition and bias data; and anti-bias training for faculty, 工作人员, 管理员, 和父母.

We examine the systemic power structures that create in股本, focusing on disbanding them both on an institutional level and in the wider world.

最后, 云顶集团努力做到尽可能包容, creating an environment in which differences are celebrated, w在这里 people across the broad spectrum of identities are welcomed, and w在这里 each member of our community can feel a sense of belonging. One of our core strategies for fostering an inclusive atmosp在这里 is our unique curriculum that draws resources and scholarship from a wide variety of perspectives 和文化s. 通过这项工作, students can see themselves represented in their learning and also engage in the experiences and thinking of others. 

在ecf, learning comes with purpose: to be a clear and daring thinker, 做个善良的人, 有能力,有技巧, 做一个积极参与的公民, 成为积极改变的推动者. This is education that prepares students not simply for college, but for life.

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